Burn out and looking ahead to 2022

Thank goodness for February!

The burnout is real folks!

First of all, Happy (belated) New Year! I ended up taking an extended break from the business and social media for all of January, so today is kind of like my new year’s day for 2022!

As November turned into December I noticed I felt really drained and exhausted. For introverts in particular, the festive season (combined with the most uncertain couple of years!) can leave us feeling depleted and spread too thin, I definitely felt that this year.

An artist at work showing the half day and full day personal branding sessions available

I made the slightly scary choice to step back for a few weeks and breath. I ended up organising the house (like, really organising – I am now the queen of storage boxes and a label maker!), having realised that a tidy home really does equate to a tidy mind and that the constant juggle just never provides enough time to do all the things. I enjoyed some hilly walks with my friend and her beautiful dogs, and I got reacquainted with Emily living the dream in Paris (which kind of reminds me of my year abroad living in Paris in 2000, but that’s perhaps a story for another day!).

I deleted social media from my phone and the forced break was exactly what I needed. So if you weren’t feeling a spring in your step in your first week back, you are not alone!

I think the new year brings with it so much pressure to make so many changes and live your best life, and it can easily get overwhelming. My aim this year is to live my business as honestly as I can and prioritise the things which matter most.

A pilates instructor showing the branding mini sessions available

So in that vein I wanted to thank you for being here. It honestly means the world. This year I’m planning on working on my own branding, and looking at ways to improve my client experience. How about you? How is your year looking so far? I’d love to hear.

My diary is now open for 2022!

If you are looking ahead to your next session, my diary is now open for 2022, and I do still have a few sessions available for February and March. If you’d like to arrange a free 15 minute Zoom chat, or look at date availability, get in touch using the contact page here!

Ready to find out more about my different sessions? Click the images to learn more!

A flat lay of vintage books showing the half day and full day product photography sessions available


Ready to chat about how we can work together? Get in touch for a virtual cuppa!

Emma x

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